SaInT antHonY
Where strangers find a home
Each generation in a Catholic parish is likely to be different from the next in its origins, culture and perspectives. Communities must also adapt according to the gifts brought by newcomers.

"The community of the Catholic Church of Saint Anthony praises God for the families and neighbors who nurtured our faith"
Contact us
Mass Schedule:
Sunday Masses:
English 9 am
Spanish 11 am & 1 pm
Weekday Masses: Tuesday- Friday: 8 am
Holy Hour: Thursday 6-7 pm
Confessions: Friday 5-6 pm or by appointment
Office: Monday- Friday 9 am to 3:30 pm
Feel free to communicate with us and ask the questions you consider.
- 816 231 5445
- 309 Benton Blvd., Kansas City, MO 64124